Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tips For Online Dating

Step 1:

(Prepare yourself)
1. No spelling mistakes in your profile
2. Keep description short but completely honest
3. Don’t afraid to state who you wish to meet and why
4. Tell people what u like and things u don’t
5. Change profile occasionally to keep it fresh
6. Add photo to your profile..will get more amount of replies or messages
7. Keep your first email short and interesting
8. Do not include personal details in an introduction email
9. Try to contact a few people at the same time but those who u’ve matched
10.Be honest and stick to the truth..if not u may get caught out later..
11.Do not apply any form of pressure in an email..

Step 2 :

(After receiving emails)
1. Always listen to your your judgement
2. Ask many question..if someone being honest,they will be happy to tell you about themselves and their lives
3. Take your time and try to sense the person behind the email and read their profile thoroughly

Step 3 :

(It’s time to take your friendship a step further.)
Ask yourself these question :
1. Do you feel you know the person well?
2. Have they answered all your question?
3. Are they patient,good humored and fun?
4. Do you trust them?
5. Have they applied any pressure on you?
6. Do you know what they do for a living, and the area they live in ?
7. Do you know about their background and family?
8. Have you seen their photo and have you more than one photo of them in diff.situation?
9. Have you spoken on the phone?
10. Are you sure they have described themselves truthfully?

Step 4 :

If YES..then it’s time to meet..
1. Tell a person close to you about the meeting
2. Agree to meet in a public place first
3. Do not agree to be collected from work or home,and make your own way there and home on the first occasion
4. Restrict the time on the first meeting..lunch hour or short time after work
5. If at any point you wish to leave then do so.
It is possible to meet diff. people before you find that special person.Just be yourself

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